Technology Programming Tips!!!

1. Code by hand. It sharpens proficiency and you’ll need it to get a job:

Computer monitors become thinner, hard drives lighter, and programming languages more powerful, but coding-by-hand still remains one of the most effective methods to learn how to program. Be it on a whiteboard or notebook, coding-by-hand requires further caution, precision, and intent behind every line of code. Because unlike on a computer, you can’t run hand-written code midway through the sheet to check if the work is correct. Although more time consuming, this restriction will mold you into a more fundamentally sound developer, both in the classroom and the job market.


2. Seek out more online resources. There’s a wealth of content:

If a particular concept doesn’t make sense, be it on code-academy, in a textbook, or during class lecture, maintain your confidence and look for alternate online resources to learn the same content. Everyone learns differently, and just because one source doesn’t make sense, doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It means that you’re not clicking with the delivery of the material. The online resources to learn computer programming are endless, and there’s always a Reddit post, YouTube tutorial, or blog explanation that will make the material-at-hand crystal clear.


3. Be language agnostic:

Learning more than one programming language can dramatically increase career opportunities and income potential, as technology continues to evolve and new languages are developed, according to Tejada. “Language is a tool, so it is critical to learn new ones,” Tejada said. It’s valuable to have deep experience in a language, but it’s also important to know a breadth of languages and pick the right tool for the job.”


4. Tips and Best Practices for SQL Programmers:

1. Use The Right Language.


2. Secure Your Code.

3. Know Your Data Types.

4. Write Compliant Code.

5.Normalize Your Data.

Jon Bossman